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Are Science Fairs Worth it?

 Earth, space, planets, constellations, nebulas, has any of these come across your mind on what they are or how do we take care of them? In our school, they held a science fair for us students to learn more about these things. The science fair consisted of so many answers to my questions. Schools should normalize science fairs as a part of their yearly event to help spread aware of the problems we are causing and to teach them how to take care of these things. Our science fair consisted of 3 different rooms, one room is for the space dome, another room was to discuss about climate change with different activities regarding towards the topic, and the last one was discussing of mars and meteors.

Space dome, was the best room for me, as we are in a balloon like structure, with a projector projecting stars and so. It was dark and it was very lovely. They were discussing about constellations and even discussed about how time works. "AM" means ante meridiem and "PM" means post meridiem. They are considered PM when the sun passes the meridian and is AM when the sun hasn't passed the meridian. Constellations are group of stars forming a pattern, there are 13 constellations but we are only introduced to 12 constellations as the people who introduced them believe that 13 is a unlucky number. Our 13 constellations are Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Ophiuchus, and Sagittarius. We also got to discuss a bit more of what Jupiter consists of and it consists of hellium and hydrogen which makes it smell like fart. They also showed us a video a bit of climate change too, to give us a heads up for the next room.

For the next room, they discussed about climate change. They started with asking what is climate change, then discussed to us what our habits do that worsens climate change. Air pollution, Water pollution, light pollution, and many more. Throwing our trashes anywhere besides a trash can causes pollutions, burning of fossil fuels too, the smoke damages our ozone layer which causes global warming or the rise of our temperature. Global warming is slowly killing us all, if we don't do something about it sooner our country Philippines will sink as waters are rising because of melting glaciers, not only that but it causes our lands and soil to dry up which ends up with less crops and lots and lots of landslides. Climate change does not only cause global warming but also too much water. With too water from rains, we suffer from big floods and our crops drowning. The nutrients of our crops are getting washed away too. We also get sick from these weathers, with too much heat, we can get heat strokes and with too much water we can get dengues. In order to lessen the problem and to stop destroying our earth, we need to clean our environment, use the 5 Rs, and all cooperate to keep our earth. After the discussion we had activities they let us do, like zapping each other, ridding a bike that lights up a light, and many more

For the last room, They discussed to us about how we will have to live in mars if we continue with what we are doing to earth. NASA is still trying to research whether or not we can live there for as long as we can live on earth. After mentioning about that, they made us look and touch 3 meteorites, do a challenging game without touching the metal we have to get a rod to the other side, and there was also a wall-e doll to look at.

In short, science fairs are so fun, especially the space dome, it was the coolest. I would recommend all schools should do this because I learned a lot and realized that we don't have much time left on earth if we keep on going with the trashes and so. We all need to cooperate with each other to fix this problem. No planet will be as beautiful as ours. I have learned a lot because of the science fair, it will also be worth my time. Let us all change our habits for the better!


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