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The moment a guy changed my life

 I went to the mall with my family for dinner. We booked a table for me, my parents, my brother, and my grandparents. Before we went to the restaurant, my mom, my grandma and I decided to go strolling for a while since we got to the mall earlier than the booked time. We went strolling while my grandpa, my brother, and dad were somewhere else in the mall. The booked time was on January 05 , 2019 6:00 pm. 

When it was already 5:50 pm, grandma, mom and I were already outside the restaurant waiting for my dad, grandpa, and my brother. They got there at 5:55 pm. The booked time was at 6:00 pm and we arrived at the restaurant earlier so the staff had no choice but to let us in since we were only five minutes early, though it wasn’t really allowed. The staff let us in since my grandparents were seniors. We went to our table and the staff gave us the menu to order.

My dad ordered a steak with mashed potato and fried shrimps, my mom ordered a salad and a steak with rice and fried shrimps, my brother ordered a burger with fries, my grandparents both ordered grilled chicken with rice and fried shrimps and I ordered a BBQ with rice and grilled shrimp with fries. We waited for the food to be served to our table and since they said that it would take about 40 minutes for the food to be served, we just used our phones and Ipads while waiting for the food.

Forty minutes later the food was served to our table. We were eating by then and out of nowhere a person dropped her plate because she wasn't thinking straight and was being careless. She was so embarrassed since people were staring at her but a random guy that was around his Twenties came to help her and told the people that it's nothing special and she just accidentally dropped it while reaching for something. He then asked her if she was okay, she replied "yes I am, thank you so much". He checked if she had any wound but she didn't. The staff came to clean up the mess and she kept apologizing and had to eventually pay for the broken plate but the man insisted on paying for it and he did.

I was so surprised and touched because whenever that happens people usually would just stare at the people with the fault but he stood up and helped her. I think that we all should be inspired by this guy's attitude and kindness and inspire others to do the same so that whenever it happens to us, people would do the same thing as what the guy did to the girl. We all should help each other, as we are all just human beings created by our Gods and our Gods expect us to love and help each other when we need it.


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