The story of “My Brother’s Peculiar Chicken” has a Filipino traditional sport called “sabong/cockfighting”. Watching the video regards to it, triggered my curiosity whether or not they found the answer they were looking for. The story displayed the action of a chicken and another chicken fighting, wherein the chicken is playing a traditional Filipino sport. This essay will be talking about the story, “My Brother’s Peculiar Chicken”, the filipino traditional sport called “sabong/cockfighting” and will include some of my opinions. A scene from the story talked about how they saw 2 chickens fighting in the fields and ended up catching the other chicken they wanted. The main character and the brother saw 2 chickens in the field fighting and thought that the other chicken was good at it, so the brother ended up catching it. This displays the chickens playing a traditional Filipino sport, “Sabong/Cockfighting”. Although I think that we should increase the number of chickens inste...